Welcome to St. Mark’s
St. Mark’s is a warm and welcoming community to those looking for a church home, those visiting our area, and others seeking a supportive place as they travel on their spiritual journey.
We are a parish of over two hundred: children, families and singles, elderly and youth. We live in many of the Maine towns in the Waterville area, and enjoy a rich life together of worship, fellowship, and service.
We welcome you. Please feel free to contact us with questions!
The Episcopal Diocese of Maine actively affirms the full inclusion of LGBTQ+ people in all sacraments and levels of leadership. We strive to create a safe, open, and affirming environment for everyone. In doing so, we honor the teachings of Jesus. To learn more about the Episcopal Church and the LGBTQ+ community, visit https://www.episcopalchurch.org/who-we-are/lgbtq/.
Upcoming Events
Music is an important part of life at St. Mark’s, both as part of our worship and also as a gift to the wider Waterville community.
- In worship, singing hymns and prayers
- Enjoying and joining our “occasional” choir
- Appreciating a range of organ music
- Offering concerts
Learn more about Music at St. Mark’s.
Beyond Our Doors
St. Mark’s mission ranges from issues facing our planet to challenges in our community. We strive to look beyond ourselves to find ways to help.
Ways to help
- The Peace Pole – say a prayer for world peace
- Food Bank – share with our neighbors
- Homeless Shelter – support those in need
- Sandwich Program – provide food for others
Children, Youth and Families
At St. Mark’s, we welcome children and youth as an important part of our life together, with activities that are focused on learning by doing.
Our lively program includes:
- Participating in worship through the music, stories, and hands-on activities of Family Eucharist
- Outreach and service projects, like caring for creation by gathering litter in our church neighborhood, or collecting and packing diapers for our local Essentials Closet.
- Learn more.
Pastoral Care
How do we as Christians embody our faith? As baptized Christians, we are called to love and care for one another and for those in need.
For example, a recent series on the “Opiate Crisis and the Faith Community” allowed us to learn more from many speakers and discuss ways to help.
Learn more about why Pastoral Care is vital to our mission.