Worship with Us

The St. Mark’s stained glass window
Worship at St. Mark’s
Full participation in our worship services at St. Mark’s is open to all, including children. You are completely welcome to attend – including receiving communion at our service. We invite you to join us for worship whether you live in the area and are looking for a church home, are simply interested in joining us for a time, or are visiting here in Maine. Our worship is a sacred time for spiritual renewal as we hear the Word of God in Scripture and the sermon, and as we share the Eucharist together.
Here are descriptions of the services we offer:
- Rite I or readings from the Book of Common Prayer and Scripture.
- Rite II uses contemporary language either from Rite II of the Book of Common Prayer or recent Episcopal updates. The choir sings hymns from either the Episcopal Hymnal of 1982 or other supplements that include more 20th century music. It also includes Scripture readings, a sermon, and Holy Communion. The first and second Sunday of each month.
- Morning Prayer — last Sunday of each month
- Intergenerational Sunday Service celebrated by our entire congregation, and followed by a time of eating and fellowship for all. The third Sunday of each month.
- When there are five Sundays in a month, the fourth Sunday will be the celebration of the Holy Eucharist and the last Sunday will be Morning Prayer.
- Celtic Services are on hold for the winter and tentatively scheduled to begin again in March.
Read the weekly sermons here.
To learn more about the Episcopal Church and our common worship, you are welcome to speak to the Rev. Gwen Fry at 207-872-7869 or by email, visit the website of the Episcopal Diocese of Maine or to read about the Episcopal Church on the national website.