Adult Education
Spring 2024: We meet after the 9:30 service. Our current topic is Telling Our Stories, during which a parishioner shares their personal journey of faith.
Completed Adult Education programs via Zoom from 2020 and 2022.
- Falling Upward by Richard Rohr
- Braiding Sweetgrass by Robin Wall Kimmerer.
- “Abide with Me” by Elizabeth Strout.
- “When Tears Sing, The Art of lament in Christian Community” by William Blaine-Wallace. June-July 2022.
- The Church Cracked Open by Stephanie Spellers. Spring 2022.
- Exploring what it means to say God is Love. Fall of 2021
- Sacred Ground discussion group, https://www.episcopalchurch.
org/sacred-ground/ - Book discussion groups on White Fragility and Resurrecting Easter.
- A class on an Introduction to the Episcopal Church and the Book of Common Prayer.
- Film viewing and discussion on Traces of the Trade and Two Popes.
- In 2019 we discussed Bishop Curry’s The Way of Love.
Watch for new discussion groups and classes in our weekly news.
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