St. Mark's Episcopal Church

A warm and welcoming Episcopal church for all seeking community on their spiritual journey.

Community Outreach

St. Mark’s has always had a robust involvement with outreach in our community.

The parish family at St. Mark’s believes that serving God includes stewardship within our community and beyond. Our efforts are focused on participating in programs which provide food and monetary assistance for those in need and dedicating a portion of our annual budget to various outreach needs that come up during the year. We offer our church building at little cost to various self help groups in the area as well.

Little Free Pantry: We stock a cabinet located next to the church entrance, and it is available to the public.

Monthly Meal at the Mid-Maine Homeless Shelter. We will prepare and serve a meal the first Saturday of each month. Each person in the St. Mark’s group will purchase and prepare a food item, either at home or with the team in the St. Mark’s kitchen. We’ll deliver the food to the shelter and serve it to about 60 guests around 5:30 p.m.

We invite the parish to add its energy and positive feelings to this ministry. What can you do?

  1. Watch the e-news for announcements about volunteer opportunities.
  2. We will need donations of food. Watch for a sign-up sheet in the narthex.
  3. Money donations will always be welcome and very useful!
  4. Keep our efforts in your prayers.

For more information on forming a team or volunteering as an individual, contact Olivia Dumont, Development and Volunteer Coordinator at or 872- 8082. Learn more

If you want to join the St. Mark’s team contact Evie Hirschfelt.

The Evening Sandwich Program:  This program is a joint effort of Waterville area churches to provide an evening meal to persons in need. ESP operates at the Universalist-Unitarian Church on Silver Street in Waterville.

Waterville Food Bank:  In the narthex of the church is a basket for food donations. Contributions are gathered on the first Sunday of the month and children from the parish bring the food basket to the altar for a blessing. A number of our parishioners volunteer at the Food Bank as well.

Other Programs
  • Family Violence Project and Shelter
  • Mid-Maine Homeless Shelter
  • Rector’s Discretionary Fund (emergency relief)
  • Prayer Shawl Ministry
  • La Maison de Naissance Birthing Center/School in Haiti
  • Winslow/Waterville Interfaith Counsel

Meetings of community groups are welcomed to our church building, which is made available on a regular schedule and at little or no cost to the following:

  • Alcoholics Anonymous
  • Alanon

For a schedule of meeting times, please contact the specific community group or call the church office at 207-872-7869.

St. Mark's Episcopal Church | A member of The Episcopal Diocese of Maine, The Episcopal Church, and the Worldwide Anglican Communion