St. Mark's Episcopal Church

A warm and welcoming Episcopal church for all seeking community on their spiritual journey.

Wardens and Vestry

The Wardens and Vestry of St. Mark’s Church

The wardens and vestry members form the lay leadership of the church. The four officers, the Co-Wardens, Clerk and Treasurer are elected at each annual meeting of the parish. The nine vestry members are elected for three year terms on a rotating cycle. The former Senior Warden is also on the vestry.

The vestry and wardens meet each month with the rector to manage the business of the parish, plan and approve budgets, develop programs, hire personnel, and review any other issues before the parish. When needed, the vestry is also tasked with filling a vacancy by calling a new rector at the recommendation of the Discernment committee and approval by the Bishop.

At the annual meeting each January, the vestry provide conversation with the parish about the priorities of the congregation for the coming year.

The 2024 Vestry:

  • Ricia Hyde
  • Cathie Kimball

Treasurer: Tom Nelson

Recent Convention Delegates:
  • Dawn Cates
  • Tom Nelson
  • Marty Norris

Vestry members:

  • Harriet Gosnel
  • Cathie Kimball
  • Tom Nelson
  • Peggy Mansir
  • Tim McFadden
  • Susan Morse
  • Tom Nelson
  • Roberta Pullen
  • Tina Wentzel

The Finance Committee provides detailed oversight of parish funds and drafts the parish budget every year. For more information contact one of our wardens.

Welcome from our Wardens

We welcome newcomers to our parish. Come join us!

The Vestry minutes of the meetings are posted on the Staff/Leadership bulletin board in the Narthex.

If you have any ideas, questions or concerns for our church, please do not hesitate to contact one of us or any of the other Vestry members.

Ricia and Cathie, Co-wardens

Email Ricia and Cathie

St. Mark's Episcopal Church | A member of The Episcopal Diocese of Maine, The Episcopal Church, and the Worldwide Anglican Communion